Makayla had a chance tonight to try out 4 instruments of her choice. She tried
Baritone, Violin, Flute, and Oboe. She loved the baritone and oboe. Two completely different instruments. I am so impressed with her. She was so mature about everything, listened so well to instruction, and did EXTREMELY well!!! She was able to play all the instruments successfully. I was such a proud mom. She is growing up into such an amazing young woman. So now we are trying to figure out which instrument to pick. I have a feeling a band camp will be in our future!!Wish us luck...
On another note, what the hell is going on with our children these days. I could not believe how disrespectful the majority of the kids were. They were not listening, manhandling the instruments after being told not to. The parents were doing nothing! I was appalled. Parents, you are in charge, not the kids. I promise you will not "crush their spirit" if you discipline them. Please, for the future of our country, smack them every once in a while or I am afraid reality will!!! Seriously...
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